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Did you know that air conditioning can help allergy sufferers and asthmatics?

There is no need to talk about the fact that the air conditioning will ensure a pleasant cooling on hot days. But did you know that it can also bring relief for allergy sufferers or asthmatics?

Acquiring air conditioning does not have to be just an investment in thermal comfort. This type of device can be beneficial in other ways as well – when used correctly, even people who suffer from allergies, asthma or atopic eczema will feel its benefits.

In the ECG brand portfolio you will find three models of mobile air conditioners: ECG MK 94, ECG MK 104 and ECG MK 124. In the following lines, we will look at what their benefits for allergy sufferers or asthmatics may be and how to use them to really help.

Colder air, easier breathing

On hot summer days, the human body faces unpleasant conditions. Due to long-term high temperatures, it often causes unwanted body overheating, which can have a number of negative consequences. We tend to get tired, irritated and also harder to concentrate on work or other activities.

In addition, however, overheating of the body caused by a long stay in the summer heat also brings other difficulties. There is more blood flow to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and skin, which can lead to prolonged allergic reactions.

But sometimes a little help – cooling the surrounding air can be enough. The desired result often comes right after the interior temperature has been reduced by a few degrees. Together with the cooling of the air, the swelling of the airways decreases, so we can breathe more freely. At the same time, our skin cools down; this also reduces its itching.

All ECG air conditioners allow the air to cool to a temperature of 16-30 ° C. When there are tropical thirties outside, it is enough to cool the indoor temperature to 25 °C and immediately you breathe better.

Air conditioners bring welcome relief also in the pollen season. At a time when pollen powder from trees, shrubs and flowers floats through the air, normal ventilation is completely taboo for allergy sufferers. Opening a window for an allergy sufferer will not only bring a refreshing draft, but also a load of pollen and the associated sneezing or itching of the eyes. In contrast to opening a window, turning on the air conditioner is a better idea in the pollen season.


air condition ECG


How to use air conditioning helpfully

In order for air conditioners to be really beneficial for allergy sufferers, asthmatics or people with atopic eczema, it is necessary to follow several important principles when using it.

1. Don’t overdo it with cooling

Mainly, use the indoor temperature setting thoughtfully. Experts recommend that the room temperature be a maximum of 5 °C lower than outside. If you overdo it with cooling, so to speak, you’re asking for a lot of trouble. The human body does not tolerate the frequent alternation of very different temperatures and can react, for example, with a cold.

In addition, in combination with dry air, extremely low temperatures can result in unpleasant drying of the mucous membranes. Especially asthmatics are also at risk of bronchial irritation, which leads to cough and shortness of breath.

2. Monitor the optimum humidity

Indoors, the humidity should be between 40 and 60 %. However, if you have lower humidity at home or in the office, you do not have to be worried.

The dry air with which the use of air conditioning is usually associated is relatively easy to solve, using special humidifiers. Among the ECG products the ultrasonic humidifiers AH M351 and AH D501 T or the mobile cooler ACR 5570 offer this option and also use ionization to clean the air perfectly.

3. Take care of the air conditioning maintenance

It is also not advisable to neglect maintenance for air adjusting devices (including air conditioners). Keep your air conditioning unit perfectly clean and change the filters regularly.

Otherwise, there is a risk of the multiplication of bacteria and molds, their subsequent spread into the air and again unnecessary irritation of the bronchi, nasal mucous membranes or eyes.

4. Cool the room continuously

In order for air conditioning to have its effect, it should cool the air continuously. If you do not want to do more harm than good using this appliance, avoid the occasional sudden deep cooling and leave the air conditioning on at lower power level all day.

By frequently alternating between high and low temperatures, you could weaken your immunity and then be unnecessarily prone to colds or sore throats. This doubly applies to asthmatics or individuals with cold allergies.

5. Select the appropriate model and place it correctly

How to choose air conditioning that will cool your living room, bedroom or office really effectively? The appropriate model must be selected according to the size of the room. For example, the ECG MK 94 is an ideal choice for rooms from 12 to 15 m², while the ECG MK 124 properly cools a room with an area of 18 to 25 m².

Make sure that the air conditioner is placed correctly – do not allow it to blow directly at you, but direct it so that the cold air spreads evenly across the room.

Whether you are an allergy or asthma sufferer, or just want to enjoy a bit of freshness in the summer heat by purchasing air conditioner, the ECG air conditioning devices will definitely not disappoint you. Use them judiciously and let them make life easier and more pleasant in the hot, steaming summer days.

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