Nowości w świecie ECG

New design of package for ECG brand is “retail ready”

Developing of our brand is focusing also on right products and packaging communication. Our international team developed new design of package for ECG brand and met all requirements and main goals:

  • A strong brand identity is important for our communication. Consumers recognize ECG brand in the first moment. Also ECG product families have same style of packaging, so it is easy to include product into group like kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners etc.
  • Maximize retailers stuff experience not only to understand the main features, but also easy to understand how to display correctly.
  • Simple message for the consumers is the main goal. Its impact on the consumer with one main key point makes the consumer decision to buy shorter.

For us is very important to follow latest retail trends and consumer requirements to push standards of ECG brand higher and higher. Thanks for this customer orientation are ECG brand successful in many markets.


6 lutego, 2023

Czyste powietrze jest niezbędne dla zdrowia i wygody. Jednak w miarę wzrostu poziomów emisji przemysłowych, dymu, alergenów i innych szkodliwych

21 września, 2022

ECG wprowadza nową gamę robotów kuchennych. Noszą one oznaczenie FORZA i swoim wyposażeniem, wydajnością i wzornictwem przyciągają uwagę wszystkich zapalonych